Hey all,
Close observers and stalwart Battle Hymns visitors may have noticed the recent lack of book and graphic novel reviews around these parts. The reasons are pretty simple; between going to university full time, working part-time and volunteering a few hours a week at a local head-start preschool, my reading time has been greatly diminished over the last few weeks. Of course, all of that business is on hold for the moment as I am happily on vacation in Albuquerque for the Holidays. Not the most luxurious vacation destination, but my brother lives here, and he is more than willing to put me up for a few days.
So far, aside from a sketchy/scary bus ride featuring some gang tensions, the trip has been pretty good. I'll try to get some pics of the trip up here once I get some worth posting. I also have a some review material to post as well, including a strong candidate for graphic novel of the year. Speaking of "graphic novel of the year", you all can look forward to my year-end lists coming towards the end of the month. So, rest assured there should be some good stuff on the way. Until then, I hope everyone has a happy and safe holidays.
Have a great trip man. I hope to make it out there for a visit someday as long as Brad stays there. Also, doesn't George RR Martin live in Santa Fe? Maybe you could swing by his place and motivate him to finish "Dance of Dragons"...
Hey, glad to hear your well. Hope you have a great holiday season as well. :)
Justin- I was just in Santa Fe the other day, and I totally forgot that GRRM lived there. I guess he'll just have to finish Dance without my added motivation.
Melissa- Thanks for the holiday wishes. Same to you!
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