Monday, January 24, 2011

China Mieville's online comic

While perusing the headlines at Bleeding Cool I came across this sweet little tid-bit.  It looks like China Mieville has himself a fledgling online comic.

Titled London intrusion, the webcomic is in the early stages, but Mieville's ink-line art is looking pretty good. The guy has one of the most imaginative minds out there, so chances are it will develop into something pretty cool.

The tantalizing first four parts can be found at Mieville's tumblr blog Rejecamentalist Manifesto


Justin said...

Looks cool. I still need to read "Kraken" and "Embassytown" is due in May. I wonder if he'll get into graphic novels someday.

Ryan said...

Yeah, the guy is pretty talented. I also need to read Kraken, waiting patiently for the softcover release.